Get Started


npm i p5vue

Depending on your environment, you may be alerted upon installing p5vue that p5 is a required peer dependency which you must install yourself. If this is the case:

npm i -D p5

Now add p5vue to your project:

  • Import the Plugin to your main.js file
    // main.js || main.tsimport { createApp } from "vue"import App from "./App.vue"import p5vue from "p5vue"createApp(App).use(p5vue).mount("#app")
  • Use the P5 component inside the app
    <script setup>import p5 from "p5"const sketch = (p5) => {  p5.setup = () => {    p5.createCanvas(500, 500)  }  p5.draw = () => {    p5.background("#fff000")  }}</script><template>  <P5 :sketch="sketch" /></template>